Collection of thinks I want to implement for future Versions of the falsh tool.
[ ] comment to give hints on the firmware usage to the xml, but how?
[ ] submit a firmware, generate a xml to minimize repository maintenance
[x] category combobox
[ ] detect available com-ports maybe only for Windows
[ ] new Video with Blackboard.
[ ] save the eeprom to backup the settings.
[x] send log by mail menu item.
[x] Help menu that links to tutorials and other helpful pages in the internet. XML based to be easy updated online?
[x] include logging functionality with daily log files.
[x] offline mode for the firmware.xml in combination with the already downloaded files.
[x] include the mirror for the firmwares.xml download. But I have to use it.
[x] clean and centeralise the position of the temp-path and other paths.
[x] wäre schön, wenn er sich auch die letzte fw, die man geflashed hat merken würde so nimmt er immer den ersten eintrag in der liste